Wednesday, December 10, 2014

After Exams

After high school exams and graduation, I have no clue on what to do. I can't go out as I wish, since my house is under renovation and the fact that my parents doesn't let me go out as much, so I'll have to stay in most of the time. Also, the fact that I do not have my driver license yet is the main reason why I can't go and get a part-time job. In Malaysia, the legal age to obtain a licence is 17, stated by Wikipedia. Unlike most countries, that the legal age is at 16.

My parents will only let me find a part-time job when I have my driver's licence is because they thought that when I have a job, I won't have the time to get a driver's licence. And if I do have a job, my mom will have to give me a ride back and fro so it'll make her easily tired out.

So I asked myself, what would I do with all this spare time in the house? There's no way I'm doing chores, maybe once in a while. Seeing that I missed a lot of movies, shows, and anime these passed few years; I think it's time to do some catching up, wouldn't that be nice?

As for updating my blog... I really have no exciting lifestyle, if I can find something good to write about, I'll definitely come back. But for now, I'm a mood for a movie marathon.

Be right here when I come back. :)