Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Last Day of High School (yeah)

Greetings! It's been a long year, and I'm in a mood for blogging, so let's skip the chit-chat and get right on it.

So today was my 'last' paper for the SPM exams: which is Biology, my worst subject of all time. The reason why I put apostrophes around the word 'last' is because it's not really my last paper of SPM. The one that I am currently preparing for next Tuesday is the official last paper of SPM, for me; which is ICT, Informations and Communications Technology.

Shoutout to Moon and Cheong Fu for the last minute tutoring yesterday, thanks for both of you that helped me realised that I never paid attention in Biology class because the things you taught me yesterday, I have no memory or what-so-ever of learning it in school. Hopefully, I don't fail and atleast get a pass in Biology because I don't want to be the only one in my class to fail this subject. :(

When I was waiting for my mom to pick me up from school, I had to wait by a food stall that was not open that day. I suddenly felt like reminiscing my past years in secondary school; like when you're cleaning and stopped half-way because you found old photos or pieces of memories of when you're a child, yeah, that's how I felt.

I never thought I would say this, but I'm going to miss high school. The place where I went through puberty and a lot of mixed emotions and thoughts that made me the person today.

To my point before I went off-topic, there was one time that I waited with 2 of my classmates and there was a tree right behind us with long branches almost hitting the ground. I don't know why, but we were talking about braids and how I don't know how to do 'em. So the girl who knew how to do it went to the tree and started to teach me how to do braids and we took pictures of it because we thought it was cute.

This time, I swear I have nothing to do with it. I guess some people saw the braided-tree and started to make braids of their own. I don't know how long was it there, but I only saw it today so I took a photo of it.

Braids for trees! Please ignore the garbage bin behind.
I know, not a pretty sight but hey, not everything in life is perfect. Wow that just came out of no where. When I was waiting for my mom, because I came out early, there was still time until it strikes 3:30pm, the time the exam finishes. Then bam! A roar of yeahs were heard from the school. Of-course that means that they'd finished.

By the time I came home and had washed myself, my phone started to vibrate. I was in a chatroom in WeChat with the entire class. They were typing things like some people were missing and they missed a lot of stuffs, like signing school uniforms, and taking group pictures.

Later on, they started to spam pictures and pictures of them in school. It's actually making me kinda sad. Because I realised that I wasn't really getting along well with my classmates. There are bound to be some that I'm close to yet I don't really talk to most of them. In every photo besides the official class photo, I'm usually not in it. That's making me sad; it's not like I don't like them, I do like them, but because of my shy nature, it's making me and people becoming further apart.

I know in the near future, I won't meet them as much as I want to. We'll go our separate ways after high school, and then we'll go to different universities, states maybe even countries. We won't be able to meet after twenty to thirty years. That goes the same with my friends too! I wasn't born in Rawang, I rarely know any people here! After that, when we have a class reunion, we won't attend because we forgot about each other or maybe we died of old age or maybe some died in an accident and we didn't made it to his funeral because we never stay in touch anymore, or maybe one of them became like the new Hitler and dominated Earth for maybe World War 4 AND 5!!!

Sorry, I'm going to my over-dramatic phase again. My real point is, I'm going to miss my friends and companions that had been with me for the past 5 years; I know I don't know the exact 3000 people studying there but I'll miss each and everyone of you; not the ones that I despise though, I hate those people, ugh, just making me think of them makes me angry.

Ya, that's it. Goodbye and see you next year when I get my results!

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